wasnt perl originally developed because some guy couldnt get what he
wanted out of awk? oh and i see you use a gpg id. you didnt give the
server you uploaded it to so how do i find out its really you? (I just
started finding out about gpg today)

On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 19:38:42 +0000, Frank Shute
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 05:05:20PM +0200, siraj kutlusan wrote:
> >
> > i think you understood me wrong. i was looking for a girl for her
> > interests not looks.
> Yeah, that's what we all say ;)
> I was largely joking though. All FreeBSDers require a laugh now & then.
> > oh and i have been using FreeBSD for 1.5 years now but i havent been
> > very serious with it. oh and i would like to reqest Turkish keyboard
> > support on FreeBSD. As I am forced to use it here. I know other people
> > have requested it for a while and i dont know why it isnt added
> > instead of having to config it all. I could config it but what about
> > the Turkish people that want to use FreeBSD for the first time and
> > just want the turkish Q keyboard working straight away.
> Basically with any unix you spend a few days getting it configured
> which means sorting out your keyboard etc. Unless you buy a unix
> machine off a vendor and even then you'd have to tweak it.
> I did my tweaking about 4-5 years ago on this machine. ie. Do it once
> and forget about it. When you're more familiar with FreeBSD, you'll
> find it fairly straightforward. When I have to do it again (when I get
> my next machine), I'll just copy my tweaks over.
> One tweak for you to map your Windows keys and F5 in the console to
> something useful:
> kbdcontrol -f 62 "sudo reboot"
> kbdcontrol -f 64 "sudo halt -p"
> kbdcontrol -f 5 "less "
> and F5 in ~/.Xdefaults:
> XTerm*VT100*translations: #override \
>         <KeyPress>F5 : string("less ")
> I suppose you could write a perl script to do all the necessary tweaks
> sort of automagically when it's called. ie. It sorts out syscons(4)
> via kbdcontrol(1), edits XF86Config, sets $TERM etc.
> Something you could have a bash at if you're keen. It's worth learning
> perl if you haven't already. It's a good language for sysadmin along
> with shell.
> --
>  Frank
> print "f r a n k @ e s p e r a n c e - l i n u x . c o . u k" | sed 's/ //g'
>                       --->PGP keyID: 0x10BD6F4B<---
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