On Tue, Mar 22, 2005 at 11:19:29PM +0200, siraj kutlusan wrote:
> wasnt perl originally developed because some guy couldnt get what he
> wanted out of awk? 

Perl was sort of invented by Larry Wall to roll all the functionality
of Awk, Sed and shell into one language. I still use sed, awk and
shell on occasion too ;)

see: http://www.perl.org/

> oh and i see you use a gpg id. you didnt give the
> server you uploaded it to so how do i find out its really you? (I just
> started finding out about gpg today)

You stick my keyID into Google or go to my website and grovel about
there to find my public key. My website is my "keyserver".

You don't know it's "me". Read about the "web/ring of trust" with the
pgp/gpg docs. The pgp FAQ is good.

BTW, you'll notice most developers sign their posts/patches which is a
worthwhile practice and they don't use gmail accounts.

I'll sign this to give you something to authenticate.



print "f r a n k @ e s p e r a n c e - l i n u x . c o . u k" | sed 's/ //g'

                      --->PGP keyID: 0x10BD6F4B<---                          

Attachment: pgpkoXs8uGY2I.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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