i've been following this because i have a compaq sitting on a closet shelf.
mine has 40 megs of ram, so hope springs eternal
  [ just to prove i can really do it ].

i've let people more expert than me answer first,
  but i've played around with kernel tweaking and had some success,
  so i'll throw in my $0.02.

take out absolutely --everything-- not related to
  the hard_drive, the keyboard and the crt,
  even though there are other things that are important,
  like networking.
if you can't get this to come up,
  it may be time for a good scotch and some wistful memories.

kill the remaining pseudo_devices.
do you need kbdmux in the console ?

you get the idea.
once you get it working, you can always add things back, one at a time.
when it fails, you know your limit.

i do admire your stick_to_it_iveness.
but, remember, new two_year old technology is pretty cheap,
  when you can find it.

can't promise this will work.
hope it helps.


This is so goddamn. I've disabled almost everything in the kernel and the 486 still wont boot!

OK, forget about the router, just get FreeBSD running on it! Any suggestions?

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