spellberg_robert wrote:
ok - first, you have what des said and what i said back.
that covers most of this [ must've crossed in the mail ].

yeah i received his mail later

all i'm doing is removing anything i don't recognize
  [ i am a minimalist at heart ],
  but my needs aren't necessarily the same as yours.

as for 4.3 compatibility, i don't remember just what it is;
  but, i think it's a workaround for a bug in 4.3bsd,
  where fixing the bug would break subsequently written apps and
  there are too many written apps still in use out there to fix
  [ or some such ].
it says to keep it; i've never argued.

i don't remember access control lists or threads being around
  back during 486 days.

fix the earliest occurring error first as
  subsequent errors may be spurious
  [ i've known this since fortran in the 1970's,
    but i still forget on occasion ].

the first time i did this was maybe five years ago.
it was a lot of trial and error.
once i got most of what i didn't have or need
  out of the way and it worked,
  i left it alone and smiled quietly to myself.

you've pretty much taken out everything;
  i really don't think i can tell you much else.

i --can-- tell you this, however.
about half of the planet is in the middle of observing something major.
if you are in that half, have a happy.
if not, well - any excuse for a party, dude!

[ hmmm, i wonder if scotch is kosher for pesach.
  i gave up drinking, so i don't remember. ]


ps ---

i was about to send this when i had a thought.
i make absolutely --no-- claim that this is a good idea,
  but, to me, it's plausible.
my thinking is that there is less code.
on the other hand,
  it may introduce a different set of unpleasantries.

instead of trying to put 6.x on the 486,
  what if you backed off and tried something younger ?
looking at my shelf, i see that
  my latest version of the versions is 3.5.1, 4.11, 5.5 and 6.2
  [ i also have some 2's, but ... ].
as an example, if 3.5.1 works, try 4.11.
if that works, try 5.5 [ iirc, 5.0 and 5.1 are bogus ].
if that works, maybe it's good enough.
if 3.5.1 works and 4.11 doesn't work,
  split the difference and try 4.6.
you get the idea.

like i said, it's a thought.

I'll try.
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