2009/10/31 Vagner <root.vag...@gmail.com>:

> In Russia introduced a law "On personal data" and the
> corresponding standarts. In accordance with these standarts process
> personal data (ie 80% of all data in the enterprise) can only by
> certified operating systems and software.
> Certified happening in the Federal Security Service in Russia (FSB in USA).
> But FreeBSD doesn't certify anyone.

Huh? Do you mean Zakon 152-FZ [1]? I could not find anything in that
statute that mentions certified operating system (ok, I did just do
"search" and not a detailed read), what section/paragraph are you
referring to?

1. http://www.rg.ru/printable/2006/07/29/personaljnye-dannye-dok.html


Igor :-)
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