On 09:44 Sat 31 Oct , Igor Mozolevsky wrote:
> 2009/10/31 Vagner <root.vag...@gmail.com>:
> > In Russia introduced a law "On personal data" and the
> > corresponding standarts. In accordance with these standarts process
> > personal data (ie 80% of all data in the enterprise) can only by
> > certified operating systems and software.
> > Certified happening in the Federal Security Service in Russia (FSB in USA).
> > But FreeBSD doesn't certify anyone.
> Huh? Do you mean Zakon 152-FZ [1]? I could not find anything in that
> statute that mentions certified operating system (ok, I did just do
> "search" and not a detailed read), what section/paragraph are you
> referring to?
> 1. http://www.rg.ru/printable/2006/07/29/personaljnye-dannye-dok.html
> Cheers,
> --
> Igor :-)

Yes, i mean this is the law... In addition to the Federal Security Service 
checks and will deal with
the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC). According
to the normative legal documents No. ROSS RU.0001.01BI00
(http://www.fstec.ru/_srt/_prbser.htm) and the state registry of
certified funds (http://www.fstec.ru/_doc/_reestr_sszi.xls) all used for
processing and storage facilities should be certified. The site
www.fstec.ru given a full list of legal documents on the subject. It is
not sad it sounds - but it turns freebsd in russia will simply be

Stanislav Putrya
System administrator
"RMK Kovsh" Ltd.
IM: 328585847
mob. phone: +79525600664
email: root.vag...@gmail.com
email: vagner_ri...@bk.ru

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