On Fri, Dec 10, 1999 at 05:15:29PM +0100, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> Please, help Sos fix ATA if you know of a problem.
> Please, help fix PCCARD if you know of a problem.

Ok, so now the attitude is I need to spend all my time:

1.  Fix ATA to work on my laptop (there are timeout issues)
2.  Fix PCCARD on my laptop so I can suspend
3.  Fix if_ep so my 574tx works again.
4.  Fix if_xe so I could use my other 10/100 PCCard while the 574tx
    support is broke.
5.  Fix if_ep so the 389d doesn't run only on the watchdog timer
6.  Fix if_ed if that becomes broken *again* on the laptop
7.  Fix newpcm so I have sounds support (was broken on two of my machines)
8.  Fix `make world' so I can fully sync things again.
9.  Fix if_fxp to not crash on my Alpha?

Is this list long enough yet?   I only have X amount of FreeBSD time.
Should I just start O'BrienBSD since I'm now have to develop the whole OS?

OR, I can work on the compiler and close my open PRs.  Of course if I
simply don't update my machine for 3 months, god knows if my compiler
changes won't break world or cause other problems.

-- David    ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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