In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "David O'Brien" writes:
: 2.  Fix PCCARD on my laptop so I can suspend

What's the current issue?  I have 0 problems suspending/resuming.  I'd
like to know what is still broken, if anything, with the latest

: OR, I can work on the compiler and close my open PRs.  Of course if I
: simply don't update my machine for 3 months, god knows if my compiler
: changes won't break world or cause other problems.

Actually, the put up or shut up argument doesn't apply to people that
have done and continue to do a significant amount of work in other
areas.  At least I would be greatly offended if someone hit me with it
in an area other than security or pccard when I complained about (and
helped to diagnose) a problem in their area of code.

Me, I'm tired of maintaining the old pccard code while writing new,
but I know it has to be done...


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