>     We are not going to repeat the 3.0 mess.   IPV6 and IPSEC are important,
>     but not important enough to delay the already-delayed 4.0 release.  4.1 
>     is not too late for these babies.

True... 4.1 is not too late. However a good part of IPv6 and IPSEC are
already present and the primary committer has already expressed his
opinion on what can and can't be done by 1/15.

>     On the other hand, there are *plenty* of things already in 4.0 that really
>     need to get out there and get a workout by a larger audience. 
>     Delaying *them* is a big mistake.

*shudder* I really, really dislike the idea of -RELEASE actually being a
wide beta so that some code can get a workout. LAbel it beta and more people
will use it than currently do anyway. Any reason not to release and ship a
4.0-beta? -CURRENT = development which scares people. Beta means most bugs
already ironed out and looking for test by larger audience.  -RELEASE should
not be a beta, ever.


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