* From: "Jordan K. Hubbard" <j...@zippy.cdrom.com>
 * Committing /var/db/pkg to mtree was fine, it probably should have been
 * there to begin with.  Sticking things into it outside of pkg_add,
 * however, is evil.  pkg_add "owns" this directory and every time we've
 * tried to go behind its back, so to speak, we've been raped for it.
 * The whole mess with XFree68 was a total nightmare and is what happens
 * when changes like this are made without really thinking things out.

The name of the directory where it resides doesn't matter.  It's not a
package file so the situation is totally different from XFree86.  (The
only reason pkg_info was affected was because I blindly assumed it
will ignore non-directories in /var/db/pkg.)  I can easily move it out
of /var/db/pkg to some other place.

 * No more kludges, please.  I'm not changing sysinstall and make world
 * shouldn't be writing into /var/db/pkg either.  If you've found it
 * necessasry to do this, then you've made a mistake just as you did
 * with XFree86 and need to think about the problem again.

The same situation arises whether the version info is in /var/db/pkg
or /some/other/place.  It has been pointed out many times in the past
that we need something to ensure bsd.port.mk can synchronize itself
with the rest of the system (simply because there are too many people
who cvsup one without the other).

The question is, can I ask you to make sysinstall write some kind of
version info that can be used by bsd.port.mk to identify the age of
the system?

The problem is real, we've been bitten too many times in the past
(haven't you seen all the "where's fetch -A?" and other more subtle
breakages that are caused by ports and system mismatch), and I can
solve it with or without your help.  It will just be so much easier if
you can help me out a little.


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