In message <>, "Matthew D. Fuller" wrote:
} [ Yes, I'm sticking my nose in where it probably doesn't belong and
} should get chopped off for it.  It's a hobby ;]
} On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 02:36:14AM -0800, a little birdie told me
} that Satoshi - the Wraith - Asami remarked
} > 
} > The same situation arises whether the version info is in /var/db/pkg
} > or /some/other/place.  It has been pointed out many times in the past
} > that we need something to ensure can synchronize itself
} > with the rest of the system (simply because there are too many people
} > who cvsup one without the other).
} > 
} > The question is, can I ask you to make sysinstall write some kind of
} > version info that can be used by to identify the age of
} > the system?
} This would require a little more work on the 'back' side, but what would
} be so hard about just checking $Id$ strings around the .mk files?  If
} not for the revision, at least for the date.

I think that's asking for trouble - it'll lose if someone keeps their
.mk files in their own RCS (I do this for some files; admittedly not
for the .mk files, but I could see someone doing that).  

   Jon Hamilton

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