[ Yes, I'm sticking my nose in where it probably doesn't belong and
should get chopped off for it.  It's a hobby ;]

On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 02:36:14AM -0800, a little birdie told me
that Satoshi - the Wraith - Asami remarked
> The same situation arises whether the version info is in /var/db/pkg
> or /some/other/place.  It has been pointed out many times in the past
> that we need something to ensure bsd.port.mk can synchronize itself
> with the rest of the system (simply because there are too many people
> who cvsup one without the other).
> The question is, can I ask you to make sysinstall write some kind of
> version info that can be used by bsd.port.mk to identify the age of
> the system?

This would require a little more work on the 'back' side, but what would
be so hard about just checking $Id$ strings around the .mk files?  If
not for the revision, at least for the date.

> The problem is real, we've been bitten too many times in the past
> (haven't you seen all the "where's fetch -A?" and other more subtle

Well, certainly, it's not always feasible, but I never understood this
one in particular.  It always seemed like a PERFECT candidate for an
OSVERSION (or whatever) bump; certainly the 3.1+ only, since pre-3.1
didn't have the -A (3.1 didn't either, but that would cut out all the
complaints from pre-3.1'ers).


| Matthew Fuller              http://www.over-yonder.net/ |
* fulle...@futuresouth.com       fulle...@over-yonder.net *
| UNIX Systems Administrator      Specializing in FreeBSD |
*   FutureSouth Communications   ISPHelp ISP Consulting   *
|  "The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends,   |
*    is because I haven't figured out how to light the    *
|                     middle yet"                         |

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