David O'Brien wrote:
> > Speaking of ports, I have a working port of f2c and a new
> > f77(1) wrapper sitting on my machine.
> I guess naming is going to get sticky here... if f2c has `f77', then *if*
> I put egcs/g77 in the main tree, do I install it as `g77' or `f77'?
> The Egcs port installs it as `g77'... and what if someone makes some port
> of an updated g77?

I would expect that you'll want to have a symlink from f77 to
g77 in /usr/bin.  If g77 includes a man page, you'll also want
a symlink from f77.1 to g77.1.

In the Makefile for the port of my f77 wrapper I have:

   ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/f77.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1

This could be changed to:

   ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/f77 ${PREFIX}/bin/${F77NAME}     
   ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/f77.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1/${F77NAME}.1     

where F77NAME would default to fc.  Why fc?  Because, f2c provides
an old Bourne shell script of the same name.


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