On Fri, 9 Apr 1999, Thomas David Rivers wrote:

> > Geez, and I used to think it was only the commercial OSs that had a
> > problem with bloat and creeping featurisms ... :(  Chuck's idea makes more
> > sense...how many programs does the average system run that needs a fortran
> > compiler? *raised eyebrow*
>  Personally, I'm not sure g77 is needed, but let me play devil's
> advocate here and turn your question around:
>       "How many programs does the average system not run because
>        the system doesn't have a FORTRAN compiler?"
> That seems to be a more pertinent question...  and - a good bit
> more difficult to answer.

Not as hard as all that.  Just go about compiling from ports/math, and
notice how many programs use f2c.  Some also from graphics, and from
others.  Especially when you consider the low cost in terms of source
size and executeable size, getting rid of fortran, or not allowing the
upgraded fortran, it just doesn't make sense.

We have NO_SENDMAIL now as a precedent, we just need NO_FORTRAN and
NO_GCJ.  This is very, very doable, and can only make FreeBSD look
better.  OTOH, as Jordan pointed out, maybe we need a *little* more
experience with gcj, but fortran, it's ready *now*.

Chuck Robey                 | Interests include any kind of voice or data 
chu...@picnic.mat.net       | communications topic, C programming, and Unix.
213 Lakeside Drive Apt T-1  |
Greenbelt, MD 20770         | I run picnic (FreeBSD-current)
(301) 220-2114              | and jaunt (Solaris7).

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