On Wed, 12 Jun 2024 10:39:36 +0000
"Poul-Henning Kamp" <p...@phk.freebsd.dk> wrote:

> Ronald Klop writes:
> > What do you thing about defaulting to /32 on a missing netmask?
> > An interface with 1 IP address without any information about the
> > network All traffic can go to the gateway.  
> I dont think that will work ?
> The gateway will not be inside any of the attached networks, so you
> have no route to it ?

You can do an interface route hack

  sysrc static_routes="gateway default"
  sysrc route_gateway="-host -interface bla0"
  sysrc route_default="default"

This is actually quite useful in some setups, but in the context of
deciding on default behavior when no mask is given this is probably not
very helpful.


Michael Gmelin

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