Quoting Navdeep Parhar <npar...@gmail.com> (from Wed, 14 Apr 2010 11:35:40 -0700):

Have you or anyone else ever used buildkernel successfully with
"makeoptions WITH_CTF=yes" in the conf file?  Something as simple as
this does not work for me:

Copy&paste patch, tabs probbly mangled:
Index: Makefile.inc1
--- Makefile.inc1       (revision 206700)
+++ Makefile.inc1       (working copy)
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@

 # kernel stage

@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@
        @echo "--------------------------------------------------------------"
        cd ${KRNLOBJDIR}/${_kernel}; \
            MAKESRCPATH=${KERNSRCDIR}/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm \
            -f ${KERNSRCDIR}/dev/aic7xxx/aicasm/Makefile
 # XXX - Gratuitously builds aicasm in the ``makeoptions NO_MODULES'' case.
.if !defined(MODULES_WITH_WORLD) && !defined(NO_MODULES) && exists(${KERNSRCDIR}/modules)

This lets the buildkernel generate ctf info in the object files (the build is not finished yet, so I still have to verify that the final kernel contains them too, but I do not see a reason ATM why this should not be the case).

If your build environment is faster (here: about an hour for the buildkernel), can you please help testing? A buildworld with and without WITH_CTF in src.conf, and for buildkernel the same (with and without WITH_CTF in src.conf, and for each with and without makeoptions WITH_CTF=yes in the kernel). The expected outcome is no CTF when no WITH_CTF is in src.conf (except for the buildkernel with the makeoptions), and always with CTF when WITH_CTF is in src.conf (alternatively only CTF if makeoptions is used, but this would be surprising for me).

And then... NO_CTF=yes defined in src.conf and WITH_CTF too... for the world this should not produce CTF data, but for the kernel I'm not sure what will or should happen for the makeoptions case...


http://www.Leidinger.net  Alexander @ Leidinger.net: PGP ID = B0063FE7
http://www.FreeBSD.org     netchild @ FreeBSD.org  : PGP ID = 72077137
See, these two penguins walked into a bar, which was really stupid, 'cause
the second one should have seen it.

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