Rafter Man wrote:
> 1. Is there a way to hide a user from other users? Fx programs
> like w, who, users, netstat, top, ps all show what other users
> are doing.

The most common approach to this is to run the exterior services
in a "jail" (see: "man jail").  When the user logs into the jail,
they do not see users in other jails, and they do not see users
in the host environment (outside the jail).

> I mean, does FreeBSD analyse the Linux and Solaris kernel, maybe
> adobt some of the good thing they have made? I don't expect
> FreeBSD to rewrite the kernel, but to learn from Solaris and Linux.
> If FreeBSD allready do this, then I am sorry for having troubled
> you with this mail!!!

FreeBSD already does this, as for as it can do so without violating
license restrictions (e.g. looking at the Solaris sources is risky).

> ps: 1. I hope that in the future FreeBSD will remain a servers
> only OS. Meaning that I hope the developers don't spend to much
> time making games, grafical programs and stuff like gnome/kde/x11.

The developers will work on what they want to work on.  If that
happens to be KDE, then it happens to be KDE.  If not, then not.

> 2. I hope that in the furture the FreeBSD developers will rewrite
> the system in C++.

Not likely, due to the overhead.  You might want to check out
"SPRITE" (out of UCB), or "Choices" (out of UKY), if you are
really wanting a C++ based OS.

There are several very hard chicken-and-egg problems, e.g. the
construction of pure virtual based class shared method instances,
and so on, which are normally handled by the host OS calling .init
entry points at program startup, which would be difficult or
impossible to do without tools modifications for a self-hosting OS.

> 3. I hope for even more focuse on security.
> 4. I will do my part and help FreeBSD the bedst I can.

-- Terry

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