On Friday 14 December 2001 3:03 pm, Rafter Man wrote:
> Hi FreeBSD lovers :-)


> 1. Is there a way to hide a user from other users? Fx programs like
> w, who, users, netstat, top, ps all show what other users are
> doing. It would fx be a good idea to hide root or the admin's
> activities from other users. If you are trying to catch a cracker,
> then you know that he/she if not stupid enough to login while other
> users (especial root) are online. But perhaps this feuture to hide
> a user already exists?

There is a sysctl you can switch to make users only able to see their 
own processes. It has a different name from -STABLE to -CURRENT. I 
don't remember what its name is exactly for -STABLE and I can't check 
right now, but if you search for 'ps' in the sysctl listing you 
should find it pretty easily.

Also if you want to see what a user is doing on their terminal you 
can use the snoop device with the watch program. See `man watch' for 


> ps: 1. I hope that in the future FreeBSD will remain a servers only
> OS. Meaning that I hope the developers don't spend to much time
> making games, grafical programs and stuff like gnome/kde/x11.

I don't think you have anything to fear in this respect. Considering 
X11 and KDE are cross platform projects already working on FreeBSD 
the real work here is maintaince which is done by the projects 
concerned and the ports team.
> 2. I hope that in the furture the FreeBSD developers will rewrite   
> the system in C++.

Whats that I see! Yes! A flying pig! :)

> 3. I hope for even more focuse on security.
> 4. I will do my part and help FreeBSD the bedst I can.


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