Hi everyone,

I've the following configuration :
- an ASUS mini-pc with FreeBSD on it, 900 MHz, 256 MBytes, connected on an ethernet local network.
- 2 PC running Windows with X server via cygwin (each with 1,4GHz Athlon CPU, 256 MBytes RAM)
- All of them are connected with a 100 Mbits switch.

Basically in cygwin, I connect to the FreeBSD PC (where there is loads of software) using ssh and exporting display to the PCs running Windows.

This works great, but when there are pictures to load over the network, it takes a really long time to do. For example if I start rt2_demo (railroad tycoon 2 demo, available on ports), picture takes about 2 seconds to load. This is a kind of extreme test, since games usually contains nothing but pictures.

given that that game is running at 640x480 which is majored (very largely) by 1000x1000, one frame will take about 4 MBytes to transfer (let's say 32bits picture), my switch is about 10 MBytes/s so I should have one picture in less than 1/3 (shoud be something like less than 1/4) of second.

Since I use ssh basic configuration, I thought that this has to be something with encryption level. I've changed it to do a more simple one, but this will change absolutely nothing.

So I must have a misconfigured file or something that might be related to ssh or perhaps to X bandwidth quota, or frame rate... What should I do ?

Well, my question is not about that game, this is just an example ;) I can see the impact on performance running kword or opera for example.

I would be glad on any tips or hints to speed up those, any help would be greatly appreciated.



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