2 thoughts on this.

Using compression flag on the ssh client?
processing power of either station getting overwhelmed by the bursty
graphics demands.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Raphaël Dingé" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2002 2:56 PM
Subject: X over ethernet is too much slow...

> Hi everyone,
> I've the following configuration :
> - an ASUS mini-pc with FreeBSD on it, 900 MHz, 256 MBytes,
> connected on an ethernet local network.
> - 2 PC running Windows with X server via cygwin (each with
> 1,4GHz Athlon CPU, 256 MBytes RAM)
> - All of them are connected with a 100 Mbits switch.
> Basically in cygwin, I connect to the FreeBSD PC (where there is
> loads of software) using ssh and exporting display to the PCs
> running Windows.
> This works great, but when there are pictures to load over the
> network, it takes a really long time to do. For example if I
> start rt2_demo (railroad tycoon 2 demo, available on ports),
> picture takes about 2 seconds to load. This is a kind of extreme
> test, since games usually contains nothing but pictures.
> given that that game is running at 640x480 which is majored
> (very largely) by 1000x1000, one frame will take about 4 MBytes
> to transfer (let's say 32bits picture), my switch is about 10
> MBytes/s so I should have one picture in less than 1/3 (shoud be
> something like less than 1/4) of second.
> Since I use ssh basic configuration, I thought that this has to
> be something with encryption level. I've changed it to do a more
> simple one, but this will change absolutely nothing.
> So I must have a misconfigured file or something that might be
> related to ssh or perhaps to X bandwidth quota, or frame rate...
> What should I do ?
> Well, my question is not about that game, this is just an
> example ;) I can see the impact on performance running kword or
> opera for example.
> I would be glad on any tips or hints to speed up those, any help
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Raphael
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