On Thu, 2003-02-13 at 04:42, Mark Edwards wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 02:30 PM, Scott A. Moberly wrote:
> >>> My two cents in here real quick, what does:
> >>>
> >>> pkg_info | fgrep XFree86
> >>>
> >>> give?
> >>
> >>> pkg_info | fgrep XFree86
> >> XFree86-libraries-4.2.1_6 XFree86-4 include/(shared) library kit
> >> imake-4.2.0_1       Imake and other utilities from XFree86
> >
> > First of all you probably need to install:
> >
> > XFree86-fontDefaultBitmaps-4.2.0 XFree86-4 default bitmap fonts
> >
> > to deal with the explicit problem on your X startup.
> >
> > Though this may not work as you also want the following packages:
> >
> > XFree86-Server-4.2.1_7 XFree86-4 X server and related programs
> > XFree86-clients-4.2.1_2 XFree86-4 Client environments
> > XFree86-font100dpi-4.2.0 XFree86-4 bitmap 100 dpi fonts
> > XFree86-font75dpi-4.2.0 XFree86-4 bitmap 75 dpi fonts
> > XFree86-fontEncodings-4.2.0 XFree86-4 font encoding files
> > XFree86-fontScalable-4.2.0 XFree86-4 Scalable font files
> > wrapper-1.0_2       Wrapper for XFree86-4 server
> > freetype2-2.1.3_1   A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
> >
> > Some aren't strictly necessary, but...
> >
> > If you are in a rush you could install these one by one (starting with
> > default fonts) until you are up and running
> >
> > otherwise make install clean deinstall everything you 'think' you have 
> > and
> > start from scratch.
> Okay, well I've made some progress, but still can't get gdm/gnome 
> running with 2.2.
> I've fixed my XFree86 install, and I have 4.2.1 running.  All of the 
> ports mentioned above are installed.  I am able to run xf86cfg 
> graphically and configure, and I can run X using startx, which loads 
> fine.
> However, when I do:
> sudo /usr/X11R6/etc/rc.d/gdm.sh start
> I get:
> Feb 13 01:28:56 lilbuddy gdm[15381]: Failed to start the display server 
> several times in a short time period; disabling display :0

I would need to see the X log to know if it's a gdm problem.  However,
I've never tried starting gdm under sudo.


> So, my problems seem to be specifically with gnome 2.2.  I was running 
> gnome 2.0 with no problems before doing a portupgrade -ra and getting 
> the new gnome 2.2 stuff installed.  I did have a fairly goofy XFree86 
> install, granted, but it ran.
> In any case, my /var/log/:0.log and /var/log/XFree86.0.log show no 
> errors.  gdm just isn't starting up.  Where can I look for clues?  I've 
> tried installing /usr/ports/x11/gnome2 again just to make sure nothing 
> is missing, but it says everything is found.  Perhaps I should cvs and 
> portupgrade?  I'm stuck...
> --
> Mark Edwards
> San Francisco, CA
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