On Thu, June 16, 2011 12:20 pm, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> You can't take no for an answer, freebsd-questions!
> 2011/06/16 11:54:05 -0400 Robert Simmons <rsimmo...@gmail.com> => To
> freebsd-questions@freebsd.org :
> RS> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright
> RS> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trademark
> I'll surely will when I'll have some to trade ;-)
> RS> Copyright pertains to the source code.  Trademark pertains to the use
> of
> RS> signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.
> Source code itself can have 'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' and
> consist in terms of its usability of them, doesn't it just use to?
> 'signs, symbols, names, logos, etc.' same way can have their source code
> and consist in terms of their usability of it, doesn't they just use to?

Trademark is for 'this is made by me.  I put my name on it.'  Copyright is
for the content of a book/speech/whatever.

'Trademark' is a _maker's mark._  The point is not encouraging the
creation of works (like copyright): The point is so that a maker/seller
can build a reputation with their customers.

They are very different in terms, uses, and requirements.  In theory it is
possible to hold both a trademark and a copyright on the same thing, but
it is hard.  (You will likely fail applicability tests for one or the
other.)  It is of course possible to put a trademark on something you've
copyrighted, so people know who created it.

Daniel T. Staal

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