--As of June 16, 2011 11:21:34 PM +0400, Peter Vereshagin is alleged to have said:

CP> UNIX, the name, is a trademark.  We can use it all we like here,

Do we need a license to use it? ;-)

According to what I recall of my 'business law for managers' classes: As long as we don't claim we own it, and only *referring* to the company who does or it's products, no. It's an identifying mark: You can use it to identify.

I don't need a license to talk about Peter Vershagain, as long as I don't claim that *I* am Peter Vershagain. ;)

If I wanted to say that something I was selling was something you had made or endorsed, I'd want to pay you for a licence to use your name in that context.

Your name isn't copyrighted: Anyone can copy it.  But we can't *claim* it.

CP> about the UNIX trademark, its applicability, who owns the trademark,
and CP> so on.  We just can't claim *we* own it, misapply it to things to

So it's just enough to reserve a copyright on this word usage and we will
have just another reason why we can't claim we own it ;-)

Sorry my confusion, it's just a new thing to me and it seems as absurd as
those ideas.

It's extremely hard to claim a copyright on a single word: You have to meet an orgininality requirement that a single word is going to have trouble meeting.

A longer work, a story or a section of code, is much more original, so you can take out a copyright on it. This means you have the right to say who can and cannot make copies. (Mostly cannot...) But if you give someone the right to make a copy, they still can't say that *you* made that copy. (But they must say that the words are yours, unless you've given them the right to do otherwise.)

(And note that a pure list of facts can't be copyrighted: The phone book is often an example. It's just a list of names and numbers.)

A trademark is a mark: It marks a product as having come from a person or company.

A copyright is a license/right: It allows you to control what other people do with your work. (Or some of it.)

They are two very different, if somewhat confusing, things.

Another example: If you wrote a program, you'd probably want to say who can sell it (or give it away) and under what conditions. That's copyright. (Even if your conditions are just 'don't take off my trademark'.)

You'd probably also want people to know who wrote it, so you'd put your name on it. That's a trademark.

Daniel T. Staal

CP> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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