On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 10:20:11PM +0400, Peter Vereshagin wrote:
> But both are just words/phrases, right?

Here's an example of the difference:

UNIX, the name, is a trademark.  We can use it all we like here, speaking
about the UNIX trademark, its applicability, who owns the trademark, and
so on.  We just can't claim *we* own it, misapply it to things to which
it does not legally apply, and so on (subject to some fair use
exceptions, such as parodies).

The source code of a closed source UNIX operating system such as HP-UX is
not trademarked, because it is not an identifying mark.  Because it is
subject to copyright, if one of us has legally gained access to it, we
cannot just post it all in its entirety to the mailing list (assuming
that posting that much source to the list wasn't a problem in and of
itself) without violating copyright laws of most industrialized
countries -- regardless of what we said about it.

The difference is that trademarks are used to identify some entity and
its creations, while copyrights are used to censor the redistribution of
creations themselves.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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