> Haulmark, Chris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [041208 07:22]:
> > We show our potential clients to our production server rooms whenever
> > they request for it.  They always ask what those (freebsd) servers are
> > running because there are no logo stickers.  I ended up sticking a white
> > label with black arial font "FreeBSD."  Is this what FreeBSD systems
> > deserve?
> > FreeBSDsystems had couple of nice logos on their server packages.  I
> > think that we should set few samples up for the community to use.
> My desktop has a Beastie sticker on it. Dunno where from, but it's a nice
> one and was put there by the guy I bought the box from. So they exist or
> have existed.

I have put 'Powered By FreeBSD' Beastie stickers on mine/ours.   I got 
them at FreeBSD-Con, but I think it was BSD-Mall that had them.

But, I have never seen a 'Designed For FreeBSD' Beastie sticker.
That would be nice.


> > For myself, I want one so I can stick it on my desktop at home so it'll
> > look better to casual computer users and to annoy my wife that my desktop
> > is better than her gentoo desktop.
> My theory is that penguin and daemon stickers are the modern equivalent of
> fluffy dice and GT stripes. Blokes used to spend ages fiddling with their
> cars, now they spend ages fiddling around with PCs.

Good theory.   Maybe you could work it up in to a disertation...

> - d.
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