On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 10:02:05AM -0700, Bill Blue wrote:
> I'm not sure if I'm expecting too much, or this is a real bug.
> Using FreeBSD 6.1 release, CVSup'd to current. The motherboard is a
> Supermicro P4SCT0 with a 3.2Ghz P4 and 2 DDR400 1G sticks of RAM.  On
> the MB is a built-in RAID controller (Adaptec chip) for the SATA
> drives.  You set it for discrete SATA or RAID.  If RAID is set, on the
> next boot you have essentially a BIOS configuration for that 'device'
> consisting of the two SATA devices in either RAID 0 (striped) or RAID
> 1 (mirrored). 

The ataraid(4) driver supports the Adaptec HostRAID.
> Boot the OS now and all goes well with the device still showing up on
> /dev/ad4* but I couldn't tell if the mirroring was really working
> since the drives have no individual led indications.  I then noticed
> that there was a new ad6* device, and guess what -- it was the second
> SATA drive and a mirror image of the *original* first drive.  Watching
> it with DF for size changes when copying a large file to my home
> directory, it didn't change at all. 
> ad6* were the only new devices seen in the OS.

If FreeBSD supports the device, you should see an ar0 device.

Do you have the ataraid(4) driver loaded, or built into your kernel?


R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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