Greg Byshenk wrote:
I am not sure if it is related, but...  I experienced a similar sort of
problem, although the details in my case are quite different.

What was similar was that I would "lose" two ATA drives from an array,
inexplicably.  Reconfiguring the same drives and rebuilding would cause
them to work perfectly again -- for some number of days, after which the same failure would occur.

What is different is that this was with a 3Ware RAID controller -- which made removing/raconfiguring/rebuilding much easier -- but I was
seeing the exact same errors.

This happened four times (with the same errors that have been discussed
here), running 6.1 STABLE as of June 22.  Before attempting to RMA the
drives, I tried an updated kernel, 6.1 STABLE as of July 19.  Strangely
enough, the problems disappeared.

So, while I have not checked everything that has changed, it _might_ be
worth trying 6.1 STABLE...

I have problems with 6.1-RELEASE same as with 6.1-STABLE from August 2. I can try newer STABLE, but as I see on cvsweb, there are not much changes in ATA driver sources, only new chipsets added.

It is strange to me, that I can see significant changes of read/write speed. (I am running nonstop tests with writing disk full of files, delete them, and start again + generating graphs) Speed vary from 2.5MB/s to 11MB/s by jumps. Not continuous from the lowest to the highest. Writing is for example 3MB/s for 20 hours, then jump to 10MB/s and after some time (6 - 20 hours) jump down to about 3MB/s. After some days of testing, disk disappear, system reboots itself, resynchronize gmirror and work for next few days till the next disk lose. Also earlier synchronization was done after 1:30 hour (at about 30MB/s), now synchronization run at lower speeds - from 2.5MB/s to 15MB/s, so the whole synchronization is done after more then 5 hours (the longest was 20 hours to synchronize 250GB HDDs)

I don't know what more can I test, what more could be done to solve these problems. :(

Any help will be appreciated

Miroslav Lachman
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