On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 07:55:47PM +0200, Greg Byshenk wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 07:38:28PM +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 10:02:05AM -0700, Bill Blue wrote:
> > > I'm not sure if I'm expecting too much, or this is a real bug.
> > > Using FreeBSD 6.1 release, CVSup'd to current. The motherboard is a
> > > Supermicro P4SCT0 with a 3.2Ghz P4 and 2 DDR400 1G sticks of RAM.  On
> > > the MB is a built-in RAID controller (Adaptec chip) for the SATA
> > > drives.  You set it for discrete SATA or RAID.  If RAID is set, on the
> > > next boot you have essentially a BIOS configuration for that 'device'
> > > consisting of the two SATA devices in either RAID 0 (striped) or RAID
> > > 1 (mirrored). 
> > The ataraid(4) driver supports the Adaptec HostRAID.
> > <snip>
> > > Boot the OS now and all goes well with the device still showing up on
> > > /dev/ad4* but I couldn't tell if the mirroring was really working
> > > since the drives have no individual led indications.  I then noticed
> > > that there was a new ad6* device, and guess what -- it was the second
> > > SATA drive and a mirror image of the *original* first drive.  Watching
> > > it with DF for size changes when copying a large file to my home
> > > directory, it didn't change at all. 
> > > ad6* were the only new devices seen in the OS.
> > If FreeBSD supports the device, you should see an ar0 device.
> > Do you have the ataraid(4) driver loaded, or built into your kernel?
> Alternatively, are you sure you have identified your hardware correctly?
> According to Supermicro here
>    <http://www.supermicro.com/products/motherboard/P4/875/P4SCT.cfm>
> the P4SCT has an Intel 6300ESB onboard RAID controller, which according to
> this page
> <http://www.gamepc.com/labs/view_content.asp?id=eoyraid&page=2&cookie%5Ftest=1>
> is based upon the ICH4, and not Adaptec controller.  And, unless I've
> missed it, this controller is not supported.

The ata(4) manual page lists the 6300ESB as supported. The ataraid(4)
manual only lists the "Intel MatrixRAID" metadata format as supported.

R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
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