On Jun 5, 2008, at 3:32 PM, Scott Long wrote:
What is needed prior to talking about loaner systems and test cases is
for you to say, "Hardware XYZ isn't working for me anymore. It used to
do FOO, and now it does BAR."  That's the first step.  It's a simple
step, but it's an essential step.  Seriously.

Scott, you are missing the point in your apparent desire to be rude. When there are bugs where something does not work (and nobody else has already reported it) I do open bugs. And more than 90% of my bug reports include patches too. I know how that works.

The point is that 6.2-RELEASE works well for many people where 6.3- RELEASE does not. Until 6.4-RELEASE ships there will be a lot of unsupported systems.

And if you aren't
actually experiencing any problems, then all I can say is that your
input on the release and support process has been noted, and we all
look forward to bug reports from you in the future.  And before you
circle back on the "but but but the PR database shows unresolved bugs"
argument, understand that few of us on this mailing lists are idiots;
we know how to read, and we are aware that there are PR entries.  What
pushes a stalled PR along, though, is having an interested party bring
it up and offer insight into the specifics of it.  Just pointing from
afar adds nothing to the process.  You're welcome to disagree on that

Again, I'm not seeing anything other than you talking down to someone that (I think) you know from personal experience knows better than that.

but it seems pretty clear that continuing to argue it in this
forum isn't really solving anything.

You're right. As usual, people would rather insult and attack than address the issue which was raised. This is why I rarely bother with the mailing lists -- flame wars produce no code.

So I'll try one last time.... you seem to be concerned about possible
bugs in the the 3ware and broadcom drivers.  Can you please provide
specifics on what you are concerned about?  Any personal insight or
experience you have would be highly helpful and appreciated.

As stated previously, I'll create another thread about the specific bugs that concern me upon my return. Those are not specifically relevant to the policy issue here. (and those threads will be created in the appropriate hardware-specific list instead of the general - stable mailing list)

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source and other randomness

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