<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40028 >

Jason Short wrote:
>> Madeline Book wrote:
>>> Oh wow, it really was trivial! But certainly not obvious
>>> for the likes of me :(. Once I ran the client with LANG=
>>> fr_FR.UTF-8 the libc messages displayed correctly and gtk/
>>> pango was very happy.
>> Nor to me.  Leaving open until this is documented on our web pages and in
>> the distributed files.
> This is a bug in freeciv.
> Background: when I wrote the charset code, I divided freeciv into 3
> charsets.  ...

And where the heck is this documented?

> So in summary, if any bug reporters can track where the offending
> strings are coming from, fixing each incident is not too hard.  In the
> meantime this should be listed as a known bug.
I'm really tired of this laissez fair attitude toward bug fixing.

It may be a "known" bug, but that means there should be an open ticket,
probably with a tracking ticket to gather the related incidents.

It is a serious bug.

And the .UTF-8 workaround needs to be clearly documented!  Everywhere!

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