On Thu, 3 Jan 2013 11:00:54 PM Michael T. Pope wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Jan 2013 10:01:40 AM Michael T. Pope wrote:
> > OK.  Perhaps I should take my own suggestion upthread and see if the
> > autoproduction functionality would work in these cases.

Or perhaps not.  I have backed out of the autoproduction route, and have just 
committed a solution (svn.10437) that AFAICT does the Right Thing.  That is, 
the Right Thing as defined as `produces goods like 0.10.6 does except includes 
national advantages'.  I am still not sure 0.10.6 was entirely right, or that 
`Show Productivity' is coherent, but at least the actual production makes 
sense now.

The core of the fix is just to add:
  <scope ability-id="model.ability.person" matchNegated="true"/>
to any production related bonus that should only apply at the building level, 
such as Jefferson, Newspaper, or those annoying non-unit specific building 
bonuses that started this.  In effect, the inverse of the previous round of 
fixes where we wanted the national advantage bonuses only to apply to persons.
There may be a corner case somewhere that may require inventing a building 
ability and using a positive test, but I have not found one.

With that in place, getProductionModifiers has stopped picking up building 
modifiers when called with a unitType argument, thus the problematic 
getUnitConsumption routine can be expressed in terms of getProductionModifiers, 
which means the actual production at last bears some resemblance to what we 
see in "Show Productivity".

Old games with the old spec remain problematic.  Lacking those scopes, the 
relevant bonuses are still picked up per unit, leading to exhilarating 
production levels (particularly of bells).  What do you think?  Should I write 
some *really* special purpose backward compatibility code to add them in on 
the fly?

Mike Pope

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