> On Tue, 25 Dec 2012 11:02:52 AM Michael Vehrs wrote:
>>> [WOULDBENICE] Russian coat production
>> Fixed. The same problem had plagued the Swedish advantage. The solution
>> was to limit the hammer production bonus to persons, so that it no
>> longer applied to the carpenter's house. Unfortunately, the same fix had
>> not been applied to the Russian advantage.
> At least now we are consistent.  However (as griped on the forums) the
> Russians and Swedish *carpenters* now no longer appear to derive any benefit
> from their national advantage.  In the attached saved game, you can see that
> after one turn, a Swedish master carpenter has and is producing 6 hammers,
> which agrees with the production summary and building display, but not with
> the "Show productivity modifiers" unit menu entry, which promises "Carpenter's
> house" +3, "Master Carpenter" x2, "Building" +2 = 8, which I think is correct.
> OTOH, the Swedish expert lumberjack is shown producing 10 lumber in all
> displays, which is also consistent with the colony containing 10 - 6 = 4
> lumber after one turn, and does include the Building bonus.
> The menu entry calls "getProductionModifiers(goodsType, unitType)" for both
> Buildings and ColonyTiles, which is blind to colony conditions, yielding ideal
> values.  The production panel is calling Colony.getAdjustedNetProductionOf
> which works off the production cache and so may be expected to vary from the
> ideal, however I do not see why it should in this case.  Since Building 
> differs
> from ColonyTile, looking into Building, the key routine in
> getAdjustedProductionInfo, and the only place it takes account of unit
> production is by looping over the units present and accumulating the result of
> getUnitConsumption().  getUnitConsumption is not picking up the national
> advantage modifier, so thars yer problem.
> Fixing it however is not easy.  The obvious fix is to just replace the logic 
> in
> getUnitConsumption() with a call to getPotentialProduction() (patch1
> attached), which relies on getProductionModifiers() and thus yields consistent
> results.  This does in fact fix the Swedish carpenter.
> However it also causes several test fails, with bells being problematic.
> The trouble is that the Town Hall is specified as follows:
>      <building-type id="model.building.townHall" basicProduction="3"
>                     produces="model.goods.bells">
>        <modifier id="model.goods.bells" type="additive" value="1"/>
>      </building-type>
> and the test suite is enforcing the requirement that the additive modifier be
> applied once, and once only, independent of the number of units present in the
> building, including 0.  So as it stands, getProductionModifiers() just gets 
> all
> applicable modifiers, and thus if we apply its resulting modifier set across 
> all
> units the magic once-only addition gets picked up per unit resulting in
> overproduction.
> OK.  So at this point I read the comment on getUnitConsumption that says that
> the routine should return only the production specific to the unit, not that
> specific to the building.  This is a poorly specified concept, as you might
> think that the building basic production was specific to the building, but it
> clearly does apply on a per unit basis,

I think the basic production should be considered to apply per 
work-place rather than per unit. I think it would be possible to specify 
basic production per unit type, and add a multiplicative modifier to 
higher-level buildings, but I am by no means sure that would be any clearer.

>   so eventually I ended up with:
>          final BuildingType type = getType();
>          final Turn turn = getGame().getTurn();
>          // Get all the production due to the building.
>          int buildingSpecific = (int)FeatureContainer.applyModifierSet(0f,
>              turn, type.getModifierSet(output.getId(), type, turn));
>          int potential = getPotentialProduction(getGoodsOutputType(),
>                                                 unit.getType());
>          return potential - buildingSpecific;
> This does filter out that additive bonus.  However it is getting ugly and
> unclear, and still throws test failures as it does not correctly handle the
> effect of other production modifiers such as Jefferson and Printing Press.
> That is far as I can get right now.  I am beginning to think that we need some
> spec-level differentiation between building modifiers that apply independent 
> of
> units (i.e. the bell and cross bonuses that work even for empty buildings)
> and the per-unit modifiers (all the others AFAICT).

I agree.

>    A real bonus would be if
> we can get to a final state where all work locations could have their peak
> productivity evaluated with something that calls
> getProductionModifiers(goodsType, unitType) for each unit, and then
> getProductionModifiers(goodsType, null) to pick up non-unit production.
> Cheers,
> Mike Pope

I don't see any elegant solution at the moment, but I'll think about the 



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