On Thu, 3 Jan 2013 10:01:40 AM Michael T. Pope wrote:
> OK.  Perhaps I should take my own suggestion upthread and see if the
> autoproduction functionality would work in these cases.

I have made some progress, but am a bit stuck because I do not know what is 
right.  I have some improvements to Building.getAdjustedProductionInfo that 
allow the non-unit production bonuses to work as a type of autoproduction if 
you add an appropriate ability to the building-type in the spec.  So far so 

What remains broken are the building and furTrapping national advantages.
The core of the problem is that Building.getUnitConsumption does not see these 
advantages, yet otherwise produces the correct results.  OK, so I could add 
them in.  We still then have the problem that getUnitConsumption does a hard 
coded special case calculation --- it really should be using 
Building.getProductionModifiers(goodsType, unitType) which is what is used by 
the "Show Productivity" menu item.  However, that in turn is broken in that 
while it does show the national advantages, it also shows other modifiers like 
the Jefferson bonus which are only actually applied at the building level.

So I am back to this question of what is a per-unit modifier, and what is a 
building-specific modifier?  So far, we have:

basic-production : applies to each working unit
expert : applies to any unit that is an expert
colony-SoL : applies to each working unit
colony-building-bonus(e.g newspaper) : applies to the work locations in the 
colony that produce the modified goods type
player-level-bonus(e.g. Jefferson) : applies to any work location that produces 
the modified goods type
auto-production: applies to the relevant work location

and possibly more.  Are these right?  If so, what do we want Show Productivity 
to show?  You get it by clicking a unit, should it just have the unit's 
contribution (as in getUnitConsumption) or should the building-level modifiers 
be listed as well, even though the final total is confusing as it ignores the 
contribution of other units.  Or should we give this up as incoherent and just 
have a Show Productivity for the entire building including all its units and 

Enough confusion for today.

Mike Pope

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