There are several housekeeping issues pending.

- sourceforge upgrade

Unless there are objections I plan to click the sourceforge `upgrade
project' link fairly soon, albeit not earlier than 20130110 0000 UTC.
AFAICT the world is unlikely to end as a result, although commits made
during the upgrade might get lost, so I will report back when it is
all done.  To speed the process up I have disabled the git repo for now.

What will definitely change are the repo URLs, and the entire
developer list will be spammed with a notification of this.  This will
probably be annoying to some, but who knows, might prompt an inactive
developer to have another look.


``Prior to upgrading, you can obtain a copy of your project's data as
an XML file by clicking on the project name, selecting Project Admin ยป
Features, then selecting XML Export.''

I have done this.  Other admins may wish to.

- git

Once we are happy with the new sourceforge setup, I will bring git
back up, but this time with a real up to date tree and complete
history.  We can then contemplate migrating off svn.

- Java

It is probably time to bump our minimum required Java version from 1.5
to 1.6/6.  1.5 is quite dead, whereas 6 is only under threat of death.

- Next release

I would really like to fix the nasty problems when colonies disappear
or are captured when not visible.  However this looks really hard to
do while maintaining 0.9.x compatibility.  Assuming we do not have
another showstopper bug in 0.10.7 necessitating another quick 0.10.x
release, what are your thoughts on the next release being 0.11.0.  Or
of course, 1.0:-).

Mike Pope

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