On Thu, 10 Jan 2013 12:42:35 PM Jonathan Simona wrote:
> Hello people of FreeCol, my name is Jonathan Simona and I was wondering if
> it is possible for me to contribute to this project.

I normally use the following standard response:

  Welcome.  Getting started as a FreeCol contributor is summarized at 

however, that is slightly less helpful just now as sourceforge is currently 
upgrading our project and that URL is not working.  Hopefully by the time you 
see this they will be done.

> This is for my
> school's Software Engineering class in which we are required to submit two
> "non trivial" bugs fixes/ features over the next two months to an open
> source project.

Ah, another one:-).
> That all said and done, I do not have any experience in working with any
> open source project so I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to
> give me a point in the correct direction. I'm currently downloading the
> source code via SVN, but am not sure what to do after.

IMHO the best way to make a useful contribution that satisfies your course 
requirements is to look at the bug tracker and fix some bugs.  You could also 
consider implementing a new feature (Pending Features tracker), or working on 
an Improvement Request (yet another tracker), however the former often 
requires understanding what Colonization 1 really did, and the latter tend 
towards the trivial, so the bug tracker is the best bet.  Beware that many 
bugs are blocked waiting for the reporter to give us enough information to 
reproduce it.

Another useful thing to do is to read back over what we have been discussing 
on this list over the past month or two so you have an idea of what is going 

> If someone could point out some easy bugs to fix or features to add that
> are not "trivial" and is willing to accept my patch, I would be most
> grateful.

Again IMHO, the category of bugs that needs the most attention is with the AI, 
however that is the hairiest part of FreeCol, and not recommended until you 
are quite familiar with the code.  More suited in your case would be the next 
category, which is `strange stuff happening with the UI'.  Paolo may want to 
comment there as he knows the GUI code best ATM and has some projects in mind 
(or rather, we keep hoping he will find some time to fix getResponse:-), but
my nominees for `most annoying GUI bugs' would be:

BR#3520455  Bug(UI)   Map scroll in Colony screen

and the various versions of the Windows-specific problem where popup windows 
appear behind the main window, such as:

BR#3484760  Windows   Initial video not appearing properly.

If you fix something, just post your patch here.  Good luck.

Mike Pope

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