We have a git repo, accessible through the link named "Git" next to the 
existing "Code" one for svn.  I am in the process of cloning it to verify the 
upload worked but have no reason to doubt it is OK.

Here is my proposed way forward:

1. We all start pushing to the git repo, but the svn repo stays live for now
so as not to block useful work while people are learning git.  I will try to 
keep the repos in sync.  What fun.  Make it easy for me folks.

2. When all committers have sent a message along the lines of `I am now 
working only with the git repo.', I stop caring about keeping svn in sync.

3. The Code link gets renamed `Old-Svn', the Git link becomes `Code',
as seems to be sourceforge default.

4. Some time later when we are confident that git is doing the job and we are 
not going back, `Old-svn' goes away.

Comments/amendments please.

FTR: `I am now working only with the git repo'.

Mike Pope

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