On Fri, 18 Jan 2013 01:43:00 PM Michael T. Pope wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jan 2013 10:47:41 AM Michael T. Pope wrote:
> > We have a git repo
> Unfortunately, its a crappy one which did not import the branch and tag
> structure of the svn repo correctly.  Please ignore it until I can get this
> right.

OK, this time we have a useful git repo up.  I have even successfully
committed to it.  However there are some issues remaining.

I used svn2git to do the conversion.  It only took two tries to get it
to work:-S.  svn2git has a rebase option that will allow me to merge
changes anyone makes to the sourceforge svn repo into the local git
repo I have used for the conversion, so maintaining sync should be
reasonably straightforward.

What is not straightforward is the conversion itself.  Our svn repo is
really six virtual repos wrapped into one.  The top level has six
parts (audio, conceptual, freecol, graphics, movie, website), each
with the standard {branches,tags,trunk} structure below it.  The only
one I know anything about is freecol, which is the game itself.  I
expect Michael knows what is happening in graphics, as he is listed as
committing there 5 days ago.  The others are inactive.

I tried doing a direct conversion of the top level, but this does not
pick up the branches structure for all the parts, only the one you
specify.  So what we have is just the freecol part of the svn repo.
This has the correct current branch structure:

> git branch
* master

IIRC 0.11.x was created for Michael's specification work, and is long
out of date.  It is a bit misleading.  Should we rename it, or just
drop it?  I have no idea what unlabeled-1.2.1 or vendor are.  Not a
big deal, in git branches are cheap.

(BTW tags are not auto-converted because of an ambiguity problem
(described in the svn2git doco).  They are not too hard to recover if
people want them.  I already know where all the 0.10.x release points
are, and gitk --all shows the full story.  It is very convenient to be
able to look at a bug report, git checkout <version-bug-is-from>,
reproduce bug, git checkout master, fail to reproduce bug, comment
that it is fixed in trunk, and move on:-)

Anyway, we should decide what to do with the other five top-level parts
of the svn repo.

Mike Pope

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