I have been trying to improve support for generalized production. As 
usual, things turn out to be more complicated than I had anticipated, 
much like in real life. In particular, I don't know how to handle this 

<input goods-type="wood" amount="3"/>
<input goods-type="ore" amount="2"/>
<output goods-type="hammers" amount="2"/>
<output goods-type="tools" amount="1"/>

Now let's assume a 50% production modifier for hammers, due to expert 
units or other circumstances. Do we increase the production of tools as 
well? If not, we could just ignore the modifier, which would further 
complicate the production code, however. What if there is a hammers 
expert and a tools expert in the building? Do we have to calculate the 
maximum production for each output type independently and then scale 
both input and output goods accordingly?

Say the building could produce 7 hammers and 4 tools. That would imply a 
factor of 3.5 for hammers and 4.0 for tools. Since we are limited by the 
lower value, we would produce 7 hammers and 3 (3.5) tools, consuming 11 
(10.5) wood and 7 ore. Does that sound right?

Of course, before scaling the production, we would have to consider the 
amount of input goods. So, if only 9 units of wood were available, the 
scale would drop to 3, resulting in a production of 6 hammers and 3 
tools from 9 wood and 6 ore.

Now assume that we only have room for 3 hammers and that the building 
avoids excess production, reducing the production scale to 1.5. Do we 
reduce the production of tools accordingly? If not, how much input do we 



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