just saw you wrote something while I was working on your merge requests.
In terms of internationalization it is bad to programmatically change any string, because different languages
have different, sometimes strange rules. How will you capitalize, for example, Chinese?
The way of doing it is put the string into the English language file in the way it is needed, then rely on
the translators to translate it appropriately (hopefully giving them enough information so they know of
special circumstances like the text being put in a header).
Gesendet: Dienstag, 07. April 2015 um 07:43 Uhr
Von: "Caleb Williams" <cale...@gmail.com>
An: "FreeCol Developers" <freecol-developers@lists.sourceforge.net>
Betreff: Re: [Freecol-developers] First Successful Merge Request completed
Based on WT's non-public comment on the issue, SF's Git integration seems problematic to say the least.
I submitted a few MR's tonight and #29 combines all three, so please push that one of any of them. Sorry for the confusion.
You'll notice that the above MR attempts to add commons-lang3-3.4.jar as a required dependency. That's not required for any of the code changes I've made, but hopefully it will be useful in the future.
One of the issues I have with Java is that it just doesn't work the same way as I'm used to in PHP and it's very strict with object types. It is truly a different way of thinking that I have not mastered.
For instance, given ".addStringTemplate("%unit%", unit.getLabel())" in ServerColony.java, the end result of unit.getLabel() needs to should be in title case (for example, Printing press to Printing Press), so that when the Message shows up it will read, for example: "Jamestown has completed building Printing Press" where the "p" in press is currently not capitalized. This is line #579.
If I could extract the string that unit.getLabel() produces (in other words, just the text itself), then I could apply WordUtil's capitalizeFully method to easily produce Printing Press from Printing press (again, that's just an example).
I'm hoping one of you devs can point me in the right direction so that I can stop banging my head against this wall. FWIW, I did find the toString Method in StringTemplate.java as well as its SuperClass iteration in the Java.String class, but I couldn't quite put 2 and 2 together (or in this case morph a String Template object to a String object).
I appreciate all your patience on my Java learning journey.
Caleb R. Williams
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