
I had written that from memory and reread the code in AIColony now.

> Gesendet: Dienstag, 03. November 2015 um 08:40 Uhr
> Von: "Michael T. Pope" <mp...@computer.org>
> On Sat, 31 Oct 2015 23:21:07 +0100
> win...@genial.ms wrote:
> > What I found strange in AIColony was mostly how the worker wishes get 
> > created
> > when less than 6 experts are there while most buildings have just 3 spots,
> I do not understand where the 6 experts effect is coming from.

I slightly misremembered, it increases the request priority for up to 6
experts, but I found no check which could stop requesting more when all work
locations in buildings or tiles are filled.

> > how
> > colonies with the least need as they have most experts already get higher
> > priority,
> Yes, that favours the stronger colonies.  IIRC there were problems with
> too many experts being sent out to the low population colonies before
> optimizing the really productive ones.  However that was a long time ago
> when the AI was much more prone to found lots of small colonies, and can
> probably be revisited.

Together with what I wrote above I assume a single colony could suck up all
experts of one type leaving none for other colonies.
I think it should prioritize based on higherlevel buildings standing in the
colony, and as a tie breaker on input material production.

> > how workerwishes never get deleted, 
> WishRealizatioMission calls completeWish which deletes wishes.  Is this not
> happening?

Sorry, when writing this I did not think of distinguishing deletion of
outdated wishes which for some reason the colony does not need anymore
(for example the forests got cut down and no more trappers or woodcutters
needed or higher level materials stopped being produced there for some reason),
which I was writing about, from cleaning up fulfilled wishes.
updateGoodsWishes deletes outdated wishes, updateWorkerWishes does not
(sometimes when the loop checking if expers are needed finds none,
the fallback pop increase loop might accidentally downgrade an old wish
to non-expert though other old wishes from former turns are never removed).



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