> Just letting you know the good news that a number of different people are 
> making contributions to FreeCol on github...

Quite so.  Pity they are a bit down the list.  I was away last week, and
am now stuck at github issue#32 which is proving to be a PITA, and there is
a new sourceforge bug to look at... after that I plan to deal with the more
problematic pull requests...

> Mine PR has been sitting there for weeks too...

...like yours:-).  Your map reworking has problems...  Lets try again.

1. The name of the map file is *not* what is supposed to be displayed on
the map selection panel.  Yes, we want to credit the authors, but
crufting them into the file name is not how to do it.  Worse yet,
renaming the existing map files is breaking the test suite, which is why
the github page for your PR is showing failed checks.

2. File names with spaces tend to cause breakage in the build scripts,
please avoid them.

3. The string we display under the map thumbnail comes from the
strings database.  This is a file called "FreeColMessages.properties"
which is in the strings directory, right next to the maps directory you
have been hacking around in.  It is a plain old text file, and contains
lines like "freecol.map.Australia=Australia".  To credit someone, you
would change that, for example, to
"freecol.map.Australia=Australia by Drongo Bruce"

4. For every file in the maps directory, you need a line in the properties
file.  The left hand side *must* have the freecol.map. prefix, after
which is the *file name* without the .fsm extension.  Once again, no
spaces in the file name as that can stuff up the routines that read the
properties file.

5. If you do *not* do this, freecol goes through the map directory, finds a
file called foo.fsm, tries to look in the strings database for a key of
freecol.map.foo, fails to find it, and defaults to just displaying the key
freecol.map.foo.  Which is what you were complaining about in

6. Yes I read your "but hunting down master translation stuff somewhere in
something.. umm yeah.. I got no idea sorry." response in that bug.  Humour
me, eh?  I am stretched pretty thin here, and really appreciate it when
people work stuff out from what I admit is a terse explanation on my part.
Hopefully this was a bit clearer and/or enough detail to get things moving

Mike Pope

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