1. I'm guessing the issue David is talking about below is why there hasn't 
been a release since Feb? FYI Marcin is asking again for a new release to test 
Mikes latest changes presumably.

2. Mike I've followed your instructions (thanks again) and fixed all the map 
names (shorter and no spaces) and I've edited the properties file in the 
strings area with all the new maps and names etc and it's correctly displaying 
in the game! :) However before I submit a new github PR I figured I'd get some 
final feedback from you, Winter and others first as I had some queries that 
only you guys would know the answer to. Here's a direct link to the post on 
page 2 of Mazim's maps 

3. Also FYI I'm not sure if this is related to the stuff David was talking 
about but the website https://freecol.org/ is not loading at all.

This site can’t be reached

freecol.org refused to connect.

   - Checking the connection
   - Checking the proxy and the firewall

    On Monday, 16 March 2020, 09:23:18 am ACDT, David Lewis 
<highwayofl...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hi Mike, 
I haven't had a chance to look to determine why yet, but the master branch CI 
builds are failing.This could have been due to a bad change that I merged in 
last week or so.

If you have a chance to take a look at it, that'd be great. Otherwise, I'll try 
and get to that later this week.Bringing this up because we might need to roll 
back a merge/commit before merging any of these other PRs.

On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 2:21 PM Michael T. Pope <mp...@computer.org> wrote:

On Sun, 15 Mar 2020 11:47:42 +0000 (UTC)
D Blakeley <d_blake...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've gotta say with all due respect it seems strange that the whole map usage 
> system requires manual entry into some translation list instead of storing 
> the required extra info in the map files themselves and simply having a map 
> reader that pulls the info out of the map files. As then all this special 
> work and list management isn't required when regular users want to add maps 
> to the game.

You could think that... but you would be wrong:-).

FreeColMessages.properties is the master file containing all the strings
that will be displayed to the player[1].  Or more precisely, the player in
English(US) locales.  Look around the strings directory, it is full of
similar files with locale suffixes for numerous different languages and
dialects.  Heck there is even English(GB).  This does not happen by
magic, but thanks to the volunteers at translatewiki who take the master
strings file and make localized versions of it with the same keys but
translated values, which they then commit back to our sf repo (although
this is equivalent to magic in terms of the effort required from the
FreeCol project).  This means that if I like, I can play FreeCol in
Finnish or Catalan or ... which is really cool.

There is a cost to this of course.  Throughout FreeCol we have to be
careful to display only strings that have been looked up in the correct
strings file.  There is some pretty clever code that does this, written by
smart people that understand i18n/l10n (i.e. not me).  But as long as we
keep every displayed string in one place for the translators (who know
*nothing* about the structure of FreeCol), they can easily do their magic
and we get a better game.

So now Blake, you want to put a displayable string in some other random
file?  I hope you can now appreciate that... that is a big ask.

> so that's presumably a few different new programmers wanting to help you 
> which is really good (maybe the new welcome thread attracted their help & 
> sent them in the right direction, or a least that's what I'm going to tell 
> myself haha).

We will never know for sure, but I hope you are right.

Mike Pope

[1] Except... we have a problem with mods.  Fixing this is on the list but
after new-release.
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