Hi Mike,

I haven't had a chance to look to determine why yet, but the master branch
CI builds are failing.
This could have been due to a bad change that I merged in last week or so.

If you have a chance to take a look at it, that'd be great. Otherwise, I'll
try and get to that later this week.
Bringing this up because we might need to roll back a merge/commit before
merging any of these other PRs.


On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 2:21 PM Michael T. Pope <mp...@computer.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 15 Mar 2020 11:47:42 +0000 (UTC)
> D Blakeley <d_blake...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > I've gotta say with all due respect it seems strange that the whole map
> usage system requires manual entry into some translation list instead of
> storing the required extra info in the map files themselves and simply
> having a map reader that pulls the info out of the map files. As then all
> this special work and list management isn't required when regular users
> want to add maps to the game.
> You could think that... but you would be wrong:-).
> FreeColMessages.properties is the master file containing all the strings
> that will be displayed to the player[1].  Or more precisely, the player in
> English(US) locales.  Look around the strings directory, it is full of
> similar files with locale suffixes for numerous different languages and
> dialects.  Heck there is even English(GB).  This does not happen by
> magic, but thanks to the volunteers at translatewiki who take the master
> strings file and make localized versions of it with the same keys but
> translated values, which they then commit back to our sf repo (although
> this is equivalent to magic in terms of the effort required from the
> FreeCol project).  This means that if I like, I can play FreeCol in
> Finnish or Catalan or ... which is really cool.
> There is a cost to this of course.  Throughout FreeCol we have to be
> careful to display only strings that have been looked up in the correct
> strings file.  There is some pretty clever code that does this, written by
> smart people that understand i18n/l10n (i.e. not me).  But as long as we
> keep every displayed string in one place for the translators (who know
> *nothing* about the structure of FreeCol), they can easily do their magic
> and we get a better game.
> So now Blake, you want to put a displayable string in some other random
> file?  I hope you can now appreciate that... that is a big ask.
> > so that's presumably a few different new programmers wanting to help you
> which is really good (maybe the new welcome thread attracted their help &
> sent them in the right direction, or a least that's what I'm going to tell
> myself haha).
> We will never know for sure, but I hope you are right.
> Cheers,
> Mike Pope
> [1] Except... we have a problem with mods.  Fixing this is on the list but
> after new-release.
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