OK, bit more time to go through the mail.

> 2. As for Rafael's changes and storing Author and description in the map 
> file...

The issue here is that we can not store the description in the map
iteself because it needs to be translated.  The author is fine.
Currently we effectively do neither.  Rafaels patch does both.  If we
can get the author into the map, a bunch of the stuff you have been
wrangling in the strings file can go from:

map.Africa=Large Africa by J.Bloggs


map.Africa=Large Africa by %author%

which does not help your work much now, but is more maintainable.
There would have to be code support of course to pull in the %author%,
but that is straightforward.

I have a note on the todo list to think more about the whole
translation setup, but that is post-release.  We already have extra
standalone FreeColMessages.properties files in the mods, which are
currently not getting translated AFAICT.  If we can fix that, we can
probably handle having similar files in the .fsm map bundles.  That
would probably be a better design than having the above map.<foo>
entries in the master strings file.  The major concern with any change
to how we do translations is to not mess with the volunteer
translators.  Keeping things easy for them is mandatory.

> 4. Regarding Sourceforge improvements...

Yeah, I suspect front page hackery may be locked to the main project
admins, which means I probably have to do it.  The offer is: if I see
messages here from at least two regulars saying that <url> is ready to
go as a replacement for {SF front page, screenshot, whatever} I will
make time to work out what has to be done.  Time is the issue, I never
used to do anything with SF admin, and it always takes me a while to
work out what does what.

> 6. As discussed in past emails I overhauled your old FreeCol ModDB page

...another thing I had never sighted.  No idea who originally created
it.  If it needs an "official" owner, you are it Blake.

> 7. [Social]

Please do not interpret my absence from the facebook bit as disapproval.
I just do not use it, deliberately.  Getting time to work on FreeCol
is hard enough lately, I do not need more time sinks.  Perhaps I will
look at the discord channel... eventually.  Nevertheless, thanks for
pushing this stuff forward.

Mike Pope

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