
1-Фев-2004 21:48 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Devore) wrote to

>>Note "Driver revision" - there is bug (DRIVER_VER in himem64.asm should be
>>equal to 0310h). In compare with QEMM (and MS-HIMEM) I see, that himem64
>>makes less free handles (28 versus 58 and 31) and it implements INT 2F/4309
>>(see "Handle" column). What I may say more?
MD> I don't see a problem with any of this.

     Wrong driver revision is not a (big) problem. With less handles you may
faster get "not enough handles" situation (though, it low probable). Support
of more functions should be good indication (though, QEMM doesn't implements
this function).

MD> Driver revision 300h is per spec.

(Table 2437)
Call the XMS driver "Get XMS version number" function with:
        AH = 00h
Return: AX = XMS version (in BCD, AH=major, AL=minor)
        BX = internal revision number (in BCD for HIMEM.SYS)
              O/~\                                 /~\O
    Get XMS Version Number (Function 00h):
   This function returns with AX equal to a 16-bit BCD number
   representing the revision of the DOS Extended Memory Specification
   which the driver implements (e.g. AX=0235h would mean that the driver
   implemented XMS version 2.35). BX is set equal to the driver's
              O/~\                                 /~\O

MD> has to be 58 or 31 minimum.  4309h support is not required per a HIMEM spec,
MD> but I'm not sure what you are saying as far as how or what you want.

     This is just note that I found while test your driver. If this is
unimportant (for you) - just forget it.

MD> What more could you say?  I suppose you could say what you're expecting and

     I expect memory manager, which (on 386+) gives access to: HMA and XMS;
UMB and EMS; overlaps EMS over XMS; allows to run programs with dos
extenders. On 286+ this memory manager (or its external part) should give
access to HMA and XMS.

MD> why it's a bug that what you see isn't what you expect.

     No, in my _comments_ are no (yet) expectations, just testing.

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