Hi all... great, I like TODO list changes :-).

> http://fdos.org/ripcord/fdos_1_0/official/todos.htm

EMM386 RAM= is well enough implemented if you make it an alias to X= if
you ask me. ROM= on the other hand would be not too hard to do (Michael
already shadows ROM to trap ffff:0 reboots). But ROM= does not help much,
because all newer computers (even an 1990 NeAT 386 mainboard) have a BIOS
setup option to shadow ROM into RAM. So no need to let EMM386 do that.
So ROM= can be post 1.0 if you ask me.

HIMEM HMAMIN / INT15 / A20CONTROL are probably not too hard to do, so why not.
HIMEM TESTMEM should only do a quick and simple check, e.g. write the address
of the dword itself to every 256th dword (1 dword / kbyte) and read it back.
Only to check if memory actually exists at that place and is not just a mis-
detection due to BIOS memory size misreport or something.

> http://fdos.org/ripcord/fdos_1_0/official/post.htm

LBACACHE /L "load to low memory" is pointless - LBACACHE has no self-loadhi
anyway. Either you load it low (prompt / DEVICE) or high (loadhi / devicehigh).
No command line option for that.
LBACACHE /E "element size selection" will only happen if it makes sense! To
test, please compare cache hit percentage of 22oct2003 LBAcache to 1?apr2004
LBAcache (4k <-> 8k element size). If 8k performs actually worse (in particular
with small caches) then there would be a reason to allow the user to select
less than 8k element size at all (smaller elements mean more DOS RAM used!).
LBACACHE /B "read ahead size": Read-ahead is done with TICKLE hidden HD / LB
options, but I need feedback / testers to tune them.
LBACACHE CD-ROM caching is already there in CDRCACHE. If you mean CD-ROM
caching which is actually part of LBACACHE and shares the same XMS handle,
please mention that explicitly.

Missing tools: FASTOPEN / DRIVER / DRIVPARM: I vote that those should be
kernel functionality eventually, not separate programs.

DOSSHELL: Because we need yet one more GUI or because it offers limited
task switching / multitasking?
INTERLNK/INTERSRV: Tyler (freedos123) found some serial-port-drive-letter
tool a while ago, but nobody told whether it worked in FreeDOS...? Of course
an open source serial port drive letter would be even better.
DBLSPACE: I would be interested in a readonly compressed filesystem where
every cluster is compressed separately and where you have a table of byte
offsets stored somewhere in order to access clusters fast.
CVT: Conversion to FAT32 would be nice, but for now we still even have
troubles to FORMAT to FAT32 well enough (not clear why, but Win9x accesses
the root dir at the wrong place after FORMAT...).
MEMMAKER/CHKSTATE: Well, yes, why not. If UMBs are fragmented...
MSAV: Joergen Ibsen ported ClamAV.net CLAMSCAN to DOS :-)
VSAFE: I would be interested in such a project, yes.
SELECT: Our installer scripts are even more complex than that already.

By the way - pre 1.0 - as far as I understand Aitor, Euro compliancy
is already okay. I think only a few disk tools still TRASH LFNs, but
which? Test results?
SHSUCDX-read-ahead (with buffers option) would be interesting, I think!
PRINT/PRINTQ might need a new impulse. SCANDISK needs helpers to come
into live. BACKUP / RESTORE can be post-1.0 if you ask me. DEFRAG needs
daring testers. ATAPICDD needs DMA help (Jeremy has very little free time).
Todo list should mention who plans to do what (e.g. Aitor: GRAFTABL, APPEND)
or is already working on it, to avoid 2 people working at the same thing
without knowing about each other.

Are FreeCOM REN wildcards actually still missing? When will DIR be able
to show > 2 GB free? ...


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