>>> Is the 4DOS license okay for Fedora?
>> I doubt this. Lucho added some ridiculous
>> crap and limitations to it.
> Strong words, do you have examples of changes
> in 4DOS that are unpleasant for you / others?

I'm talking about the license here. Just read what he writes about it on  
the main 4DOS page. Might be I'll have to cry some Chinese phrase from now  
on if I want to download his 4DOS version, too. It's completely ridiculous.

>> Yeah, but ask Japheth whether he wants to keep NoMySo compatibility
>> at all or whether he would use NoMySo once and then develop
>> his software for NASM. I beat the answer is no.
> Japheth has grown up with MASM, so he sees no reason
> to get used to NASM, in particular now that he has
> modified WASM into his MASM-compatible JWASM. I do
> like NASM for license, portability and simplicity
> (yet power) but tastes differ and that is okay :-).

So what's the point in claiming that JEMM386 and HIMEMX could be made  
NoMySo-compatible? No one will do that, and even if that turns out to be  
wrong, the one to do it had to do it any time Japheth would break  
compatibility again. (Because there's apparently no reason to stay  

>> So we agree here. But if anyone wants "The FreeDOS Spec"
>> to be used seriously for the FreeDOS project,
>> it should not contradict some of the major programs
>> (other CLI, LFN, DPMI, EMS, XMS) currently available
> On one hand - true - on the other hand - for me the
> Spec is mostly a historical document about what were
> the original plans when DOS-C became FreeDOS. Still
> we could also update the spec, if that feels useful.

Well, wasn't it updated to claim NASM and OpenWatcom the main  
assembler/compiler? I'm sure I read the previous version which talked  
about some (cost-)free MASM-compatible assemblers and Turbo C.


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