
>>> - As I think xswap will not work in native Linux
>> You will not need any of that if you simply compile Arachne
>> with a 32bit compiler in the first place.
> Why it can't be also simple compiled on DOS with 32 bit compiler?

That is what I meant - port Arachne to GNU C / DJGPP and
then you have better performance in DOS - and an easier
life in porting to Linux. Two good things for one effort.

>>> - Dr WebSpyder and Lineo Embrowser (unfortunately no source code)
>>> ported to Allegro and gave Arachne a speed boost.
>> Arachne has GPL license so you can force WebSpyder/Lineo to
>> make their Arachne modifications public.
> No, them have purchased a proprietary license from the copyright holders
> (original developers). GPL doesn't surrender rights. It's dual licensing
> like with Qt.

Oh I understand. That is bad luck for fans then, fans
will have to port Arachne to Allegro a second time if
they want a free open source Allegro based Arachne...


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