Op 16-7-2011 16:30, Michael B. Brutman schreef:
> Good - I await the next revision.  I'm trying to do my part here by
> testing it ..

great, thanks.

> On all of my machines (DOS, Windows and Unix) I try to keep the optional
> packages separate from the core OS functions.  So DOS will live in /DOS
> and nothing else will be in that directory.

That's fine. Rather than adding loads of programs in a single directory, 
I'll probably add an option to the setup batchfiles to provide a 
directory from which you can add EXTRA files through the FreeDOS 
installer (requiring PACKAGES\BASE subdirectory). Perhaps call it EXTRA 


but also

> Does this mean that they will be put on the CD later, or that the user
> has to find a different way to get them on the machine?  I think that
> every packet driver known to man probably fits within 1MB of space. :-)
> (Ok, maybe 2 ...)

I'll add packet drivers again, and VMware is my test platform (besides 
real hardware at times). The more difficult part is understanding the 
network-related scripts Jeremy wrote (PCISLEEP/PCISCAN) and extracting 
the correct packet driver and options to be added to autoexec.bat (plus 
setting up configuration files mtcp.cfg/wattcp.cfg).

A very simple bootdisk with all packet drivers and your MTCP programs 
would be cool. You've got a networked 8088..which capacities/sizes do 
your floppies have, how much available harddiskspace? As no XMS, no 
Ramdisk for storing downloads, thus will have to use harddisk space 
temporarily. Just a demo bootdisk + tiny ISO.

> Is the intent of the CD to provide a minimal install?

My current intent is to get a decent base working, then adding 
everything else. I've got nothing automated, so minimizing things at 
first. FreeDOS 1.0 has several sized versions available at:

Some might argue even 10MB or so is already huge when all basic content 
fits on a bootdisk (fdisk/format/sys/kernel/shell)

> Same question as above - the capacity of a CD is quite large, and 12MB
> for an OS install image is tiny.  As an end user I would much prefer
> that what I need is on the CD already even if it means a larger download
> size.  (Or give me a choice of ISO images to use.)

You'll get that choice. See above link though it uses the 1.0 distro.
With unlimited time, no download limits, enough free diskspace etc a 
huge FreeDOS distro is fine, if intended to burn to optical disk anyway.
However the minimal base-only CD should be as small as possible for fast 
downloads and limited harddisk space.

> I'm new to this, so if this is already addressed in some way then
> forgive me and just point me on my way ...

All discussion is welcomed, I'd better speed up releasing more though to 
prevent arguing over the same topics/issues over and over :)

> I noticed the problem with the improper CR/LF in the mTCP configuration
> file that you reported a week or two ago, and I assume that we can just
> fix the original file.  Depending on your time table I can either fix
> DHCP to be more tolerant of improper new lines in files or I can try to
> do something more comprehensive that looks like an installer.  In a
> perfect world the installer would just prompt for a few things like the
> IRC user name, FTP buffer sizes, MTU size, etc.  If that doesn't happen
> in time having those fields in the mTCP config file (but commented out
> as I do in the sample) would be a reasonable substitute.

I'll need to look into your sample to see what the syntax for commented 
out stuff is, be it ";" (config.sys), "#" , "# " (syslinux), or anything 
else (like ignoring anything not recognised).

> BTW, I'm happy/honored to be part of the group.  I just want to ensure
> that the mTCP code looks/behaves more like the OS so that it doesn't
> cause usability problems or stick out too much.  It's not a full
> networking stack, but the idea of a coherent set of networking utilities
> available at install time with the OS is very appealing.

I think FDUPDATE is fully depending on WGET and/or CURL, both with their 
respective (and or generic URL) syntax. Your download program currently 
depends on real FTP-script-syntax instead of URLs. In due time there 
might be a MTCP WGET, who knows.

Just as a remark: Making something opensource is good but unfortunately 
can't always expect more people to help improve things. Many FreeDOS 
programs are experiencing this issue.
If we integrate MTCP properly in FD1.1 your software might inspire 
people to write more networking programs based on your stack. Something 
to be proud of, hehe :)

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