
On 7/17/11, Bernd Blaauw <bbla...@home.nl> wrote:
> Op 17-7-2011 23:23, Rugxulo schreef:
>> This was merely an exercise at naming "popular", i.e. heavily-desired,
>> apps that most common users might probably want. It is not intended to
>> reflect my own goofy needs.
>> And besides, most of these already were in FD 1.0, so nyah.   ;-)
> For a full CD it's very much worthwile mentioning these. Adding packages
> is easy, integrating them and testing are a bit more difficult though.

Surely I didn't mean you should add them to your recent .ISO, just
saying, in a "perfect world", these are (some) things most people
apparently want.

> What I should be working on rather soon though is adding sources simply
> to not violate the distribution rules of a lot of opensource licenses.
> Anyone know if there's a DOS SVN client? or a win32 console one running
> under HXRT? Assuming LFNs pretty much become a requirement as well in
> that case.t
> Otherwise I'm doomed to a ReactOS or WindowsXP virtual machine. Ah well.

Doubt there is a SVN client like what you're wanting, but I don't
know, maybe Japheth can chime in here.

But if there's anything in particular you need help finding or
grabbing sources for, let me (or us) know. I'm fairly useless overall,
but I can "try", dang it!

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